In our last update, we shared that when we came to Germany, we were fully funded by generous regular gifts of faith-filled friends who caught the vision for a new International Church reaching people “from every nation under heaven” (see Acts 2:5). A substantial part of that support also came in the form of several large gifts that were divided over the months we would be on the field. With the fluctuations in the Dollar and Euro, and some loss in regular support, those months have been reduced, and we now face full funding only through August of this year.
On August 1, we will be returning to the US, and will not be able to return to Darmstadt until we are once again 100% funded. We need your help to continue our mission! One encouraging source of financial support that we have now did not exist 2 years ago – the Darmstadt church itself! The faithful congregation at CIF (many of them students!) is supporting the church with enough resources to pay all the local expenses (building rent, supplies, advertising, etc.), and will be stepping out in faith to add support toward our support target! We are actually glad to have this opportunity for our church family to be part of this support-raising effort. It is so encouraging to watch God do the amazing and miraculous – it strengthens our resolve and confirms His vision for the work in Darmstadt.
Our initial shortfall was $5800/month. In just the last 6 weeks, we have seen God provide over $1800 in new monthly support! Praise Him! We are praying specifically that God will provide the needed funds so that we can be back in Darmstadt for our first anniversary service on October 6.
Will you join us in that prayer? Will you join us in achieving that goal?
We invite you to join us in reaching the world! Here’s how you can help:
• If you are not already personally supporting this work, will you prayerfully consider it?
• If you are on the team already, will you pray about increasing your level of support?
• Will you contact your pastor, or church missions team, about our mission and our need, or send us their contact information so we can contact them?
• Pray with and for us!
Web-based support: Go to to set up a one-time, or ongoing support from your debit or credit card.
By Check: Make payable to: CONVERGE WORLDWIDE in the memo line, please note ACCOUNT # 133261. Send to: Converge Worldwide / 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd. / Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Automatic Withdrawal is available. Contact Daniel Boerst at 1.800.323.4215