In a dramatic display of
His provision, God has met our financial need in ways that can only be
described as “breathtaking”.

We did not know how long it would take to
raise that much support, but we were confident that God did – and that He is
always faithful. We asked you to pray
that we would be able to return to Germany by October 1, in time for our
one-year anniversary service. We knew
that it would take a huge work of God to accomplish such a goal! But as our friend Darryl Evetts likes to say,
“God was gettin’ ready to show off!”
Over the course of the
next 10 weeks, God began to move in powerful ways. People around the US and Europe began to
respond with commitments to support the work in Darmstadt. Then our sending agency informed us that they
were decreasing our required support level by nearly $1000 per month based on
our actual expenses over the past two years.
In addition, the CIF congregation has taken a great step of faith to get
behind the mission – a step toward the day when the church will be completely

We will be back in plenty of time for our one year anniversary service, and
we can add to that celebration this amazing demonstration of God’s hand upon
this work. We can’t begin to explain to
you how amazing this is – it sometimes takes people years to raise the support God provided for Darmstadt in just weeks!
Please, PLEASE, join
us in thanks to the Lord! This was a
powerful example of Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know I am God.” In this case, God showed that it is not about
us. There are times we are called to
act, and there are times when God wants us to “let go” and allow Him to “show