We will be in the US on
August 1 for what is called “Home Assignment.”
Missions agencies used to call these times “furlough”, but that
suggested “vacation”, which it definitely is not! In most agencies, overseas workers are
brought home for 1 year of Home Assignment each four years. In the type of work we are doing, that is not
practical, since International Churches tend to see up to 40% turnover each
year in the congregation. To take a full
year off would simply be impractical, so we planned to have shorter periods of
Home Assignment every two years. The
concept is found in Acts 14:26-27, when Paul and Barnabas returned from their
first missionary journey and reported to the church at Antioch, that had sent
them out, all that God had done over the previous two years. We will be doing much the same. Over the next 8 weeks, we will be sharing
with partnering friends and congregations and with potential new partners what
God is doing in Darmstadt and around the world through the planting of
English-language churches in cities around the world. We will be looking to close the final portion
of our financial support, and giving individuals and churches the opportunity
to support other church planters who are waiting to get to the cities God has
called them. Please pray for us as we will be driving to at least 8 states, and speaking in at
least 8 churches, and meeting with current and potential partners in the
ministry. Our schedule is below. If you are in the neighborhood, we would love
to get together with you – send us an email to let us know! If we are not getting to your area, please be
assured that we would love to visit every one of our ministry partner friends,
but it just isn't possible.
Please pray
for our church leadership in Darmstadt during our absence. The church will continue to minister through
the weeks we are gone with regular service and LIFE Groups meeting. Visiting pastors and men from the church will
be filling the pulpit, and there is much that must be done by our faithful
leaders – who must juggle their church responsibilities with their career and
family responsibilities. Like Paul, we have
been encouraged by the fact that the Lord “has many people in this city!”
We return in
late September to prepare for the launch of a new year of ministry in the city
of Darmstadt. Our English-language movie
theater ads are set to begin at the end of August. We plan to do a prayer walk and Bible
distribution to students at the University as part of our first birthday celebration
weekend on October 5-6, and will be expanding and multiplying our LIFE Groups
through the fall. Pray for God’s
blessing and leading on the plans, and pray that we will remain sensitive to
His leading, and flexible to His sovereign timetable in all things!
Home Service Schedule
August 4 – New Cumberland,
August 18 – Danville, VA
August 25 – Epikos, Milwaukee,
September 1 – Oakbrook
Curch, Green Bay, WI
September 7 – Open House
& Reception – Mayville WI
September 8 – Gateway
Community, Mayville, WI
September 15 – Wellspring
Community, Hartford, WI