Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keep us in your Prayers!

Keep us in your Prayers!
Please keep us in your prayers.  We are very busy, and we know that Satan loves to attack when God is at work! 

  • Pray for the church as we implement our new constitution and appoint our first elders.
  • Pray for Carol as she ministers 3-5 times a week with women either one-to-one or in groups, hosts groups and individuals in our home, and serves in numerous ministries in the church.
  • Pray for Bob as he takes the reigns as the Northern Europe church planting coordinator for the IBC, leads a Feasibility Study team to Rome, works on a degree at Liberty Seminary Online, and pastors the church.
  • Pray for enhanced exposure for the Darmstadt church, and greater impact of our ministry among students at the university, scientists and support personnel at the Space Agencies, and business & military personnel from the US and around the globe working in the area.

Critical Steps in Church Development.

Critical Steps in Church Development.

Converge International Fellowship passed a major milestone with the ratification of our church constitution on January 26. Church governance is very important, and we praise God for the way He led the Genesis Team in completing an outline for orderly biblical church organization.  With this work complete, we were able to accept our first members – 23 became official charter members of the church!

Continued Growth!

Continued Growth!
 The winter months were a period of growth for our congregation as we welcomed new friends from Sierra Leone, Russia, Malaysia, Eritrea, Singapore and Colombia! One evening recently we welcomed 18 people into our apartment for our weekly Bible study – from 12 nations on 5 Continents!  It is an indescribable blessing to study, discuss and pray together with people from around the globe. We are humbled to be part of this amazing work!

The Most important Growth of All!

The Most important Growth of All!
One evening we received message from a woman we had not previously met. She had seen our brochure at the European Meteorological Satellite Center (EUMETSAT), and wanted to come to church.  She arrived on Sunday a broken, discouraged, angry individual.  She embraced Carol after the service and tearfully shared her story.  Over the weeks God worked in her heart, and Carol had a chance to meet with her and minister to her one-on-one several times. Six weeks later, on a very special Sunday evening, she sought forgiveness and reconciliation with God – the transforming work of God in her life was visibly evident as she shared the news!  Her countenance was lifted – she was filled with joy, victory and peace!  

She talks of a new found desire to please God, a deep-seated, healthy "fear of the Lord."  She said she never knew what that meant until now - but her greatest desire is to please Him!  Her baptism is scheduled for this weekend. Paul writes to the Ephesian believers, “You who were once far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”  Pray for Pamela - How we thank God for His work in her life!