Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, Sept 13

Meet Germany's newest legal resident aliens!

Yesterday we went to the Rossdorf Rathaus (government offices) and received our Anmeldung - we are now legally registered residents of Germany!  This is not our visa - that will take longer - but it is a step toward getting everything else done.  With an Anmeldung we can open bank accounts, rent an apartment, own a car, etc.

It was a beautiful day in Darmstadt!  Sunny and comfortable - 23 degrees (74 F).  We did a lot of internet searching for an apartment, and found a couple of possibilities.  We are still praying about the neighborhood that we will live in.  Pray with us that the Lord will lead us to the spot He has for us!

Today we went to Bad Homburg and purchased our car!  It is very  nice, and Mr Broekman also gave us a complete set of winter tires as part of the deal.  In Germany, we are required to change to winter tires no later than November 1.  We visited the offices of the International Baptist Convention (IBC) in Frankfurt, and got to visit with Lorraine (the Administrative Assistant) and Marci, whose husband is the interim pastor at the Bethel IBC church next door.  She is helping out around the office.  Judith Lynn Maxwell, who has opened her home to us, works at the IBC office, too.  It was nice to visit with them all.

We then travelled into Darmstadt, where we shopped in the downtown street-mall area.  It was great to begin to get a better feel for the city.  We met an American from Missouri in the local Starbucks (Bob asked her for directions in German, and she answered in perfect English, with a slight southern accent)!  At a Saturn store (think Best Buy) we purchased a Garmin "Navi" for the car, so that we could find our way home!

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered.  Do not be affraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
~Luke 12:6&7

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