Friday, March 9, 2012

A Special Day Today, A Wonderful Evening Last Night

Today is the six-month anniversary of our arrival in Germany.  How we have been blessed in these weeks that have flown by like a vapor.  We have come to embrace our new homeland.  This evening we decided to enjoy a beautiful sunny spring day with a spontaneous drive to Heidelberg.  We chose to abandon the fast and wide Autobahn for a winding, old country road.  It was a great way to celebrate our time here!

Last night was such a special evening.  We had a joint meeting of our two LIFE Groups at the Evangelisch methodistische Kirche that is located just a block west of our apartment.  Stewart Maxwell, a key member of our team, is actually a member of the EmK, and he made arrangements for us to use their facility for our monthly joint LIFE Group meeting.  Last night  was our first.  We met in a pair of conference rooms just across the hall from the main sanctuary of the building.  We set up the chairs in a large circle, with a screen at one end, and a table.  Soon 22 people had gathered.  The room was abuzz with activity as new friends were introduced, and "old friends" shared their weeks' experiences with one another.

We started with prayer.  Stewart and his wife, Judith Lynn had selected songs, and the lyrics were projected on the screen as Stewart and Eric Eagle played guitar and led us in praise and worship.  As we joined in "Here I Am To Worship", "Blessed Be Your Name," and "Amazing Love", I was nearly overwhelmed.  With a few exceptions, six months ago these folks had not met, fewer still had worshiped together.  But there we were, people from 8 nations on 4 continents joined together in prayer and praise, study and worship.  

The time of Bible study was in John, chapter 8.  It was a lively and meaningful discussion of the plight of the woman caught in adultery.  Deserving of death under the law for her sin, she found grace at the feet of Jesus.  Are we not all in the same position?  Are we not all guilty as we fall before Him?  Do we not all need to hear his words, "Neither do I condemn you"?  

Do we not also need to heed His command - "Go and sin no more..."?

The Bible study was followed by our first celebration of communion.  We remembered the price of our pardon as we shared reminders the broken body and shed blood of our Lord.  It was an incredible experience.  

Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love, I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honor You,
In all I do, I honor You.

1 comment:

  1. It was great time.. Also, my picture with Carol is good! Whenever I meet you, I'm happy.Even if I can't join it, I pray for you and the future church!! Thank God for his grace in our lives.
