14 September 2011 "Baby Steps! Baby Steps!"
It was a beautiful day in Germany today! The sun shone all day, the temps were very mild (about 73 degrees F).
In the movie What About Bob?, a psychologist played by Richard Dreyfuss encourages "Bob", played by Bill Murray, to learn to face the world by taking a series of "baby steps." Bob leaves the office celebrating each baby step he takes.
We are celebrating baby steps these days!
Baby steps to the car....Carol has officially driven in Germany! She has never driven during our previous visits, but she drove like a champ today!
Baby steps to the grocery store...Carol drove us to a large Kaufland store in a village a few kilometers away. It's like a small version of a super Wal-Mart - has groceries, and various other items, too. We had a great time just walking the aisles, picking up a few items for dinner, and noticing the differences. On the phone, my mom asked how the prices compared for groceries...we have no idea!!! Between the differnces in the weight and volumn (metric) and the exchange of the currency (Dollars to Euros), we haven't quite got a feeling for the prices yet - but we have been told they are quite high compared to the US.
Baby steps in the kitchen...Carol made a nice casserole for dinner last night - with ingredients we were able to find and purchase at the store.
Baby steps in the laundry...Carol downloaded an app for her ipod that translates German to English, so that she could read the settings on the washer and dryer!
Baby steps...umm, baby talk??? Bob has been overwhelmed by how much German he does NOT know! High School German was over 35 years ago...a lot of brain cells have seemingly gone on to their eternal reward in those years! But we plug along, doing our best and asking for patience and forgiveness at the bank, the grocery store, the coffee shop...
Continue to pray for us as we seek an apartment - we know God will lead us to the right place in the right neighborhood. Pray for our sensetivity to His leading.
Oh, I would be so overwwhelmed. I hope we can manage to come visit someday!