We came home, had a nice breakfast, did some reading, then headed off to do some "sale-ing." We had been given a heads up about a family from Frankfurt who were returning to the US.

The sale featured lots of great stuff. We were able to get a washer and dryer for 50 Euros! Used, but that's OK! The washer is a little older, but the dryer is only 2 years old. A great bargain, and it will be nice to do laundry at home without carrying it 8 blocks to the nearest "Wasch-salon."
We heard, via the internet, from three Americans who live in Darmstadt, and are making plans to meet them. One contact is actually a couple who are brand new arrivals in the area, the others are individuals who've been here a few months. There are a couple of social events for Internationals coming up the last week of November. One is through a group called InterNations - the other is at the US Consulate in Frankfurt. We are planning to attend both, and are hopeful that we will make new connections there.
Tonight Carol made a very nice dinner, (Mexican pork steaks, Spanish rice, American green beans and Greek Yogurt for desert - even are meals are international!) and we are going to watch some college football on the TV before crashing.
As we walked today, Carol asked, "So is living in Germany everything you dreamed it would be?" (I have felt that God was calling me to Germany since I was 14, so it's been a life-long desire.) I replied, "Actually, yes, it is! It is wonderful! I feel so at home and 'comfortable'." God has been incredibly good to us, and we know that we are blessed far beyond what we deserve - it's all by His grace and mercy. We also know that there will be challenges and disappointments in the future. Jesus told His disciples, "In this world you will have trouble..." But He also immediately said, "but take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) We thank Him for the good times, and pledge to be faithful and praise-filled when the troubles come!
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