We had a fabulous Friday!
It began with an early morning trip to Frankfurt Airport to pick up one of our international university students. Phyllis had been in Kenya with her family for Christmas, and we were very happy to pick her up and bring her "home" to Darmstadt. We had a delightful visit with her has we walked through the airport and on the drive. She is a beautiful sister in Christ, and has a wonderful way of sharing her love for Jesus. She told us that on her flight to Nairobi, she had been seated next to a gentleman from Wisconsin, and that she had talked with him about Jesus, and had prayed for him, and with him before they parted ways! Phyllis leads a Bible study for a group of students at the university, while working on her PhD - keep her in your prayers!
IGM Picnic |
IGM Party |
After returning from Frankfurt, Carol and I made our way to the "Fussgangerzone", the city center of Darmstadt. At Starbucks, we met with Yvonne, an official with a university-based organization called IGM. The group works to connect international students from around the world with local "host" families for social interaction and help with settling in the city. It is a great group, having received an award from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their "excellent contribution to integrate international students into the German environment." In addition to encouraging host family connections, they also hold a number of social events for the students - tours, parties, cookouts, holiday events. We are excited to get involved with this group, they are a natural partner in our desire to connect and minister to students who are far from home and often very lonely.
Wei preparing beef |
Our "International Student Focus Friday" continued into the evening, when we were invited to dinner at the apartment of two of our friends from China. Xiannan has been a regular attender of our worship services and social events for the last 8 weeks, and Botao, his flat-mate, has joined him a couple of times. When we arrived, we learned that two female friends of theirs, Hong and Wei, who also live in the same building, would be joining us for dinner. As we visited with them over Green Tea, they prepared a "hot pot." The hot pot sat at the center of the table, filled with spices. As the liquid boiled, ingredients were added - meatballs, freshly cut ginger, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, cabbage and (Carol's favorite!) dumplings. As the items were cooked, we would retrieve a few items from the hot pot, place them in our bowls, and eat them with chopsticks. More ingredient would be added as the supply drew down, and they would cook for a few minutes, then we would repeat the process - eating, talking, laughing and enjoying the experience for 3 hours! It was a wonderful experience.
Xiannan preparing vegetables |
They told us that we were their first "American friends," and we were excited to share with them what it was like to live in the USA, and to ask them about life in China. Each of them comes from a different region of the country, from East, West, North and South. Each is working on their PhD from the Technical University of Darmstadt, in Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering.
We recognize that as important as it is to represent America well to our International friends, we are also aware, as Paul wrote the Philippians, that "our citizenship is in heaven." We are privileged and honored to be possibly the first Christians that these four have known, as well. We have given them a Bible, and both Xiannan and Wei mentioned that they read it every day. Xiannan even has a Chinese Bible that he brought with him! Pray for these new, dear friends. They will be in Darmstadt for the next two or three years, and we long to be growing in our friendship and fellowship with them.
"Hot Pot" |
The opportunities for ministry and outreach among the university student population in Darmstadt is amazing! We are so excited about what God is doing here, and we are thrilled by the doors that He is opening for us. Please pray that we will faithfully and enthusiastically fulfill the mission that He has entrusted to us.
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