Tuesday, February 19, 2013


One person’s “cliff” is another person’s vista.  Some of the greatest views on earth are found in some pretty precarious locations.  The edge of a volcanic crater in Hawaii.  A glacial crags in Switzerland.  A majestic bluff in Montana.

At the end of last year the world was obsessed with the “Fiscal Cliff,” when the United States approached a looming financial deadline.  Fear gripped many as they worried about their homes, jobs, savings and futures.

As we move through 2013, we face a “fiscal cliff” ourselves.  When we came to Germany, we were fully funded by generous regular gifts of faith-filled friends who caught the vision for a new International Church reaching people “from every nation under heaven” (see Acts 2:5) who came to Darmstadt to live, work and study.  A substantial part of that support also came in the form of several large gifts that were divided over the months we would be on the field.  We came knowing that we would be fully funded for only 30 months.

With the fluctuations in the Dollar and Euro, and some loss in regular support, those months have been reduced, and we now face full funding through August of this year.  We need to increase our support levels to reach 100% again as quickly as possible.  One great source of financial support that we have this year did not exist at all 2 years ago – the Darmstadt church itself!  Our young, new congregation is already faithfully giving in excess of $3,000 each month, and that certainly takes off some of the pressure, but we are still in need of support.  Many of you (about 25%) who receive this newsletter regularly are supporting us, and we are grateful for your faithfulness!  You are our partners in this ministry in a very real and special way, and we thank God for you!

We do not look at this “cliff” as a crisis!  We see it as a place from where we will see God’s glory demonstrated!  Once again we look to the Lord and ask Him in His grace and mercy to supply our needs as we fulfill the mission He has placed before us.  We invite you to join us in the adventure!  Here’s how you can help:

  1. If you are not already personally supporting this work, will you prayerfully consider it?
  2. If you are on the team already, will you pray about increasing your level of support?
  3. Will you contact your pastor, or church missions team, about our mission and our need, or send us their contact information so we can contact them?
  4. Pray with and for us!                          

How To Support Our Work in Darmstadt:

Web-based support:
By Personal Check:

  • Make checks payable to: Converge Worldwide.   In the memo line of the check, please note account # 133261.  Send checks to: Converge Worldwide Attn: Daniel Boerst / 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd. / Arlington Heights, IL 60005.   
  • Automatic Withdrawal is also available.  Contact Daniel Boerst at 1.800.323.4215

Brothers & Sisters, Serving Together

One of the truly great blessings that God has brought our way in the months of our ministry to Darmstadt has been the partnership of two gifted and committed couples:  Daniel and Adela Herth, and David and Nikki Herth.  They have been an incredible part of our launch team, participating in LIFE Groups, the Genesis Team, and helping with various ministries including sound tech, information tech, praise team, events planning, prayer coordination and financial secretary.

You may have guessed, from the common last names, that Daniel and David are from the same family – and they are!  They are German/American brothers who spent much of their formative years growing up in Romania, where their parents worked in ministry.  It was while living in Romania that the two young brothers met two sisters, who, years later would be their partners in life and ministry.  Through their childhood, they were involved in a great church, especially a dynamic youth group.  Because of that experience, both couples realize the importance of a youth-focused ministry within the church, and both have stepped up to have an impact in Darmstadt – but in uniquely different ways!  

David & Nikki
 David and Nikki have begun working with the English-language youth of Converge International Fellowship.  Their foundation is solid: “Nowadays, when everything tends to be relative, young people need to seek guidance in the only source of absolute truth: the Bible." They describe their goal as, "to build meaningful relationships with the youth through love, trust, acceptance and developing fun activities that catch their interest; to share God in a way that is not constrained by big “religious” words, but that is real and could be real even in the life of a troubled teen.”

Daniel & Adela
Daniel and Adela have begun ministering to the youth of a Turkish-language church in Darmstadt. We have had a working relationship with the Turkish church for some time.  While the adults in the church are natives of Turkey, their children are more German in culture and education.  Daniel and Adela are providing a German-language youth program for them during the Turkish-language worship service on Sunday mornings.  They provide Bible study, worship music, fun games and occasional social activities outside of the regular church service. 

We are so excited about both of these youth programs!  Please be in prayer for Daniel and Adela and David and Nikki, as they work diligently to connect with the next generation of Christ-followers from around the world!  Pray for their direction and equipping by the Holy Spirit, and pray for receptive hearts and minds in their respective youth groups!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Our First “Missionary”!

Our First “Missionary”!

It has been said that the only constant in life is change.  That is never truer than when working in an International Church setting.  From the earliest days of our exposure to this unique and amazing ministry opportunity, we were told (warned?) of the most difficult part – saying “goodbye” to friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and partners in ministry with heart-breaking regularity. 

Students average 2-3 years at the local university.  Corporate workers tend to be on 3- to four- year assignments. As a result, the congregation of the church that reaches out to that community will tend to have regular and constant turnover.  A typical early conversation with a new Guest to the church includes questions like, “Where are you from?” and “How did you hear about us?” followed by, “How long will you be in the area?”  The most common answer to that question is “About three years.” 

Since those earliest days, we have been determined that we would not allow this “most difficult part” of the ministry to dominate us – instead, we need to use it to motivate us! There are some advantages to this reality.  We know from the outset that we have a limited time with these dear friends – so we don’t want to waste any of it!  We want to be deliberate in showing them the love of Christ; sharing the gospel with them; praying for and with them; encouraging and nurturing them and preparing them for the next assignment God has for them. 

Following the lead of our mentor and coach, Pastor Darryl Evetts, at Frontline Community in Ramstein, we have adapted the theme “Lose No One – Send Every One!”  Instead of seeing the departure of a member of our church community as a loss – we see it as an opportunity – in fact, it is the culmination of the mission of the church!  Jesus’ charge to the church was to “make disciples and send them out to the whole world!”

Though CIF is officially just 4 months old, we have already had the opportunity to send our first “missionary” into the world!  We first met Carin shortly after our arrival in Germany.  She had a life-transforming encounter with Jesus in November of 2011, and became a wonderful source of enthusiasm, encouragement and joy to our small groups and Genesis Team as we moved steadily toward launch.  Carin is from Beirut, Lebanon, and was working at Procter & Gamble in Germany.  Though she lived in the Frankfurt area, she drove down to Darmstadt multiple times each week to attend Life Group meetings, Genesis Team leadership meetings and eventually our worship services.  Many times she brought friends from Frankfurt, either from her workplace or from the young adult group at our sister church in Oberursel. 

Last autumn Carin felt the Lord was calling her to return to her homeland.  It was a huge step of faith.  It would mean leaving a promising and secure career with P&G, and moving back to Beirut.  Her friends from home were as confused as anyone.  Many of them were trying to leave Lebanon and come to Europe, but she was returning there?  Carin felt urgency and certainty in her call.  After she had made her decision, she “coincidentally” ran into an old friend from Lebanon that she had not seen since her teen years.  Her friend was also a follower of Jesus, and she, too had felt compelled to leave her job with Mercedes Benz in Stuttgart and move back to Beirut! It was an encouraging confirmation to her!

27 January, 2013 - Converge International Fellowship
Carin Haddad (front, 3rd from left) commissioned to
answer the call of God to Beirut, Lebanon.
We do not know what God is up to in Lebanon, but we are privileged to be part of it!  On Sunday, January 27, the people of Converge International gathered around Carin, laid hands on her and commissioned her to the work to which God had called her.  We are excited to watch and pray as she goes!  We encourage you to pray for her in her obedient walk with Christ to bring the gospel to the people of her homeland.  And pray for us as we prepare more missionary-disciples in the months and years ahead!