Tuesday, February 19, 2013


One person’s “cliff” is another person’s vista.  Some of the greatest views on earth are found in some pretty precarious locations.  The edge of a volcanic crater in Hawaii.  A glacial crags in Switzerland.  A majestic bluff in Montana.

At the end of last year the world was obsessed with the “Fiscal Cliff,” when the United States approached a looming financial deadline.  Fear gripped many as they worried about their homes, jobs, savings and futures.

As we move through 2013, we face a “fiscal cliff” ourselves.  When we came to Germany, we were fully funded by generous regular gifts of faith-filled friends who caught the vision for a new International Church reaching people “from every nation under heaven” (see Acts 2:5) who came to Darmstadt to live, work and study.  A substantial part of that support also came in the form of several large gifts that were divided over the months we would be on the field.  We came knowing that we would be fully funded for only 30 months.

With the fluctuations in the Dollar and Euro, and some loss in regular support, those months have been reduced, and we now face full funding through August of this year.  We need to increase our support levels to reach 100% again as quickly as possible.  One great source of financial support that we have this year did not exist at all 2 years ago – the Darmstadt church itself!  Our young, new congregation is already faithfully giving in excess of $3,000 each month, and that certainly takes off some of the pressure, but we are still in need of support.  Many of you (about 25%) who receive this newsletter regularly are supporting us, and we are grateful for your faithfulness!  You are our partners in this ministry in a very real and special way, and we thank God for you!

We do not look at this “cliff” as a crisis!  We see it as a place from where we will see God’s glory demonstrated!  Once again we look to the Lord and ask Him in His grace and mercy to supply our needs as we fulfill the mission He has placed before us.  We invite you to join us in the adventure!  Here’s how you can help:

  1. If you are not already personally supporting this work, will you prayerfully consider it?
  2. If you are on the team already, will you pray about increasing your level of support?
  3. Will you contact your pastor, or church missions team, about our mission and our need, or send us their contact information so we can contact them?
  4. Pray with and for us!                          

How To Support Our Work in Darmstadt:

Web-based support:
By Personal Check:

  • Make checks payable to: Converge Worldwide.   In the memo line of the check, please note account # 133261.  Send checks to: Converge Worldwide Attn: Daniel Boerst / 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd. / Arlington Heights, IL 60005.   
  • Automatic Withdrawal is also available.  Contact Daniel Boerst at 1.800.323.4215

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