Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Church Planting Around the World!

With Tromanhausers in Munich
Prayer of Commissioning at the Annual Meeting of the IBC.
Our mission here is two-fold. First, we are here to plant a healthy reproducing church in Darmstadt. Second, we are commissioned to assist the IBC in establishing a Church Planting movement around the world. Several steps were taken in recent weeks on the second front. In October, we went to Munich to join a family who has been called to plant a second IBC church in that beautiful city. Kyle and Matilda Tromanhauser, and their two boys, Kyle, Jr. and Conner, are a wonderful family and are very excited to get under way. We met with them to assist in meeting leaders of the first IBC church in the city, plan for the new church, and encourage them in fund raising (we know how hard that process is!). 

Assessment Center in Ramstein, Germany
The last week of October we participated in the very first Church Planter Assessment Center put on by the IBC. Over the past years, the IBC has had their church planters assessed by Converge Worldwide in the US, and we still will for candidates located there, but now we are equipped to assess potential planters who are in Europe without sending them across the Atlantic. Assessment of church planters and their spouse is a key ingredient in finding the right planter for the right city, and we were blessed to assess two potential church planters that week – an American who is planning to plant in Rome, and an Italian who feels called to plant an IBC church in Barcelona. This was Carol’s first time to participate in an Assessment Center as an Assessor, and she found out just how challenging and rewarding it is. 

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