Thursday, March 7, 2019


Living in Germany and working with a few current or former US Military personnel, We've met some great folks. One of them is a friend who signs off his emails with the phrase, "Charlie Mike".  Bob asked him once what that meant. He explained that it's military code-speak for "Continue Mission".
As we complete our work in Darmstadt, we have been given new "orders" from our Commander and Lord - and we are announcing today that our mission continues - and we are excited to share the details with you!

We have been appointed  by Converge International Ministries to a regional position, serving as Impact Team Leader for Europe/North Africa/Middle East (beginning September 1). The Impact Team Leader role is multi-faceted, providing support to the current workers in the region, but primarily building connections with Evangelical ministries among people groups where Converge is not currently engaged. For example, in recent months we have been made aware of small pockets of Evangelical pastors working in places like Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Belarus, and the Republic of Ireland. Our team will work to connect with these ministry leaders and find out how we can come alongside them and help them be more effective in reaching their people with the Gospel. It might be through personal coaching, providing educational opportunities, arranging short-term missions efforts, or other means.
Our role will be to work in this effort, but also to recruit a team of pastors and leaders from churches in the US and abroad who have a heart to help local church leaders be as fruitful as possible in their efforts to reach those unreached people.      (Interested? - Contact us!)
In addition, God has presented us with an opportunity to be involved in a local-church effort as well! We are currently planning to assist with the beginning of a new, International, English-language ministry in the city of Szczecin, Poland. As the 7th largest city in Poland, Szczecin is part of a Converge Initiative to plant 10 churches in each of the 10 largest cities in that nation. In that on-going work, we were introduced to Robert Merecz, who pastors a Polish Baptist church, and has a vision of a vital, English-language ministry associated with that church. We have been invited to assist in getting that ministry going.
So, we get to work regionally - and locally! We are very excited and grateful to God for this amazing opportunity. And we are excited to ask you to join us in the work! We will return to the USA in September and begin working to raise the prayer and financial support needed to fulfill this mission. We invite you to be a part of what God is doing in Europe - and now with an expanded impact to the Middle East and North Africa! Please continue to pray for us, for the church in Darmstadt, and for the new work that lies before us. And please consider supporting our efforts financially as we "Continue the Mission!"

How to Support Our Continuing Mission:

Online support: Go to to set up a one-time, or ongoing support from your debit or credit card.

By Bank: Make checks payable to: Converge Worldwide.   In the memo line of the check, please note account # 133261.  Send checks to: Converge / Attn: Jennifer LoGalbo / 2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd. / Arlington Heights, IL 60005. Jennifer can also help you with regular monthly giving from your bank account. Call her at 847.879.3235


  1. Exciting Stuff! Praying for you Bob and Carol. Looking forward to seeing you again.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tracy! We hope to be in Wisconsin in Oct/November...can't wait to see everyone!

  3. God is so good! May he continue to bless you both. Hope to meet up with you when you are in the US. Deb Carr

  4. That would be great, Deb! We hope to be in Wisconsin in Oct/November...hope to see you!

  5. I am soooooo excited for you guys and how our Father is prepping the road you are on! You guys are loved!

    1. Thanks, Carter! What a blessing to have a friend and brother of nearly 30 years (1991) praying for and loving us!

  6. What a short relationship with you. I am happy our path crossed. I count it a great privilege to know your sweet family. May God continue to sustain you as you move on in the next assignment He has for you.

    1. Thank you, Yinka! What a joy and privilege to know you, Blessing and Mercy as we worship and grow together! Blessings to you all!
